
TicTacTeam – an iPad game illustrating principles of innovative communication.

A book chapter on ‘Understanding each other’ for use in elementary schools, in collaboration with Science Education Hub, Radboud University (2016).

Workshop ‘How to make a robot understand us?’ for schoolchildren visiting Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour, in collaboration with Science Education Hub (2015).

Winterschool workshop on the topic ‘Understanding each other’ for elementary school teachers, in collaboration with Science Education Hub (2015).

Workshop at Nationale Wiskunde Dagen, ‘Over breinen, handelsreizigers en combinatorische explosies‘ (2015).

Moderator of talks at ‘Breinfest’, public event for the BrainGain consortium, De Lindenberg, Nijmegen (2013).

Public debate on ‘Het brein (m/v): stereotype gedragsverschillen verklaard’, Science café, Nijmegen (2012).

Public debate on ‘Women in science: The testosterone ceiling‘, NEMO Science centre, Amsterdam (2011).

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